Radar came home!

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Well-known member
Oct 4, 2010
Northern NJ
Finally got the last of the money I needed and I brought Radar home!


Begging for treats already lol


Tasting the carpet after escaping into an un-chin proofed room


"Excuse me, no flash photography when I'm eating, thanks."


"I've been unjustly incarcerated!"

And my favorite photo, even though I look like a fluffy haired boy in it (thank you, morning hair and oversized PJs -_-):


Snuggly chinchilla!

Anyway, he's settling in at home pretty well. He follows me and my fiance around a bit while exploring but I don't think that will last too long once he's back to his normal bold self. He needs to work on his bouncing/jumping, though. This is the first time he's ever been out of an enclosure, so he doesn't jump too well (or at least, this is my rational justification for it). He went head first into our futon and topple backwards. ...he looked very pissed that 1.) he missed and 2.) everyone saw that he missed lol. But anyway, yay, my chin is home where he belongs! <3
:hug2:Welcome home Radar may you live a long happy life with your new family
Yay! Glad he's out of that store and into a great forever home.

Part of the clumsiness is that he doesn't know the environment yet. Their depth perception isn't great, so it can take a few days before he learns not so much "how to jump" as "how high/far to jump".

My guy came from the rescue with no idea how to run on tile. So during his first playtime, every time he'd try to stop went >skid<CRASH! "Why did you make me do that" look. That's how he got his name, but he did eventually figure it out. Just needed a few days to learn his surroundings. :)
Yay! Glad he's out of that store and into a great forever home.

Part of the clumsiness is that he doesn't know the environment yet. Their depth perception isn't great, so it can take a few days before he learns not so much "how to jump" as "how high/far to jump".

My guy came from the rescue with no idea how to run on tile. So during his first playtime, every time he'd try to stop went >skid<CRASH! "Why did you make me do that" look. That's how he got his name, but he did eventually figure it out. Just needed a few days to learn his surroundings. :)

...and now I want to introduce him to the tile in the kitchen.

Well, I hope he learns soon, though I must admit the jump into the futon was quite hilarious. ^_^
Lol. It was kinda funny/cute the first time when he skidded into my leg. I don't know which of us was more shocked! (Hence the name Crash Into Me No-Touchy XXXX) But, I started to get worried when he went full speed into the cabinets, linen closet door, side of the tub, side of the toilet, etc. I thought for sure he was going to concuss himself!