Quick wood question...

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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2014
So I know someone with an apple tree but they're not normal apples... Are other types of apple trees okay for chins?

Someone thinks they are crabapples, but I'm not sure.
Also a quick hay question...

I'm thinking of ordering KMS timothy hay but I'm not sure if they can go through 5lbs before it goes bad? I have two chins, one can eat a pile bigger than he is in one day while the other eats less.

2nd or 3rd cut as well? My one seems to be less of a chewer so I was thinking that 2nd would be better for that?
Here is the list of safe woods: http://www.chins-n-hedgies.com/forums/showthread.php?t=25564

If you're not 100% sure of the tree type, I wouldn't risk it personally. However crab apple IS considered safe. Maybe google some pics of a crab apple tree and see if it looks the same. Try to identify leaves and whatnot.

As far as that much hay, as long as you store it in a cool dry place it should be okay. Maybe you can purchase a large storage bin or something to seal it in?
I know the list of safe woods, but I wasn't sure what was grouped under apple(and I've never seen specific apple trees on the list Lol). They're positive that it's a crab apple tree, so that's good. Hopefully I can take some branches and such :]

I thought hay was supposed to be stored in an open container? I don't have much room left but I will be emptying my closet and filling it with chin supplies.