Quick question about PANR and the new feed

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Stephanie: Zoo Poo Gal!
Dec 4, 2009
Kingsland, Georgia
I am seriously thinking about switching my Herby from the food she is on now to the new Rabbit Chow Show. Here is my question: Is the new food the one in the blue bag? I know the PANR came in the purple bag and I see that they have RC Show Pro and RC Show and was confused as to which one everyone is talking about in other threads..I would hate to go out and get it and then not have it be the right one.

I have recently ordered some PANR and am hoping she likes it better than the food she is on now (and I can get the Purina without having to drive an hour to get it) and since Purina is not making it anymore am hoping to transition to the new Purina, if she likes it.
Why are you switching?

I don't know what she's on now, but my recommendation would be to wait a few months if you can. The new formula is too new to know how the chins are going to do on it. At the moment, it looks like it may have one of the same issues as Mazuri....that is, a good number of chins just don't like it well enough.
I JUST noticed that my chins have been eating the PRCS for three weeks now! They are all eating it and poos look just fine! I have one pair that aren't eating as much, but they are eating it and everyone is well!
Why are you switching?

I don't know what she's on now, but my recommendation would be to wait a few months if you can. The new formula is too new to know how the chins are going to do on it. At the moment, it looks like it may have one of the same issues as Mazuri....that is, a good number of chins just don't like it well enough.
She is on Oxbow right now, and I thought she did not like it. But she proved me wrong today by eating most if it so I am going to take your advice and wait and see what others say about the new alternative to PANR and if I get more chinnies in the future, maybe put them on it. But for right now I think I will drive the hour to pick up the Oxbow, since she is finally eating it.

Thanks for the advice though! :thumbsup: