
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Dec 28, 2009
I have been thinking about a hedgehog as a possible new pet. After reading on several topics on these forums, I have had several questions come to mind. Do the hedgehogs bite that much or is this more a rarity ? Also, do they tend to tear your clothes apart when you hold them ? Are there any bad odors associated with them, such as their urine or feces ? Do they like being held or would they rather run around on the floor and do they run fast or can you catch them easily ? I do have a chinchilla and she is pretty easy to have around, but I do not hold her because it seems that she prefers not to be held. I can pet and scratch her, but that is about it. Thanks for your advice. It will help me make a decision. Sandy
Hedgehogs can bite but with proper training that problem can be solved. If you keep their nails trimmed, you should trim them after after you wash them about 3 times a month so the wont have an odor. Their poop doesnt stink, they do like being held but it also depends on the hedgehog. My hedgehog likes to be held for a while but likes to run around but shes easy to catch. You must hold your hedgehog even if she is hissy. If she puffs up when you go to pick her up still pick her up anyways because they are smart and she will keep doing that just because she knows you wont pick her up if she puffs and gets hissy.
I disagree with HedgieMan. Most hedgehogs do not bite but as with any animal, some will and some will regardless of how much you try and train them not to.

Often those that bite do so for a reason and once you figure out the reason, you can eliminate the reason and the biting ends. There are some that will bite for no reason and will seek you out to bite. It is best to avoid reasons for biting in the first place. I wouldn't make biting a factor to not get a hedgehog because the majority of them won't bite.

Yes, hedgehogs can smell. They have no body odor but fresh hedgie poop stinks. Depending on where you have to cage the hedgehog, odor might become an issue. If it has to be in your bedroom, hedgies run and poop on their wheels all night which leads to cage odor.

Some hedgehogs like to cuddle, some want no part of it and prefer to run around.
Okay, your answers sound good. So to wrap it up, do you think hedgehogs make good pets ? I have birds, dogs, a cat, chinchilla, rabbit. I would never let it out unsupervised. My rabbit and chin are in a separate room in my basement. Where else can I buy flannel liners ? I use them for my chin and they are great. The site listed here, the owner is sick and is not filling orders right now. Thanks-- Sandy
You know where all gonna say yes there good pets, This is welcome.
Like anything, what is good for one person, may not work for another. Some hedgehogs are never friendly, some are cuddlers, some prefer to run and not be touched. If you are flexible to whatever personality you get and understand and respect that personality, than a hedgehog might be suitable for you. Hedgies like any exotic have unique care requirements. I recommend snooping through the FAQs on hedgies in this forum:

It can be a challenge to met both the temperature needs of chins and hedgies in the same house (certainly not impossible but something to consider nonetheless.)
Are hedgehogs good pets? Yes and no. They can be for the right person. And they can be really horrible pets for others. You have to be someone who is willing to deal with cleaning poop smeared wheels daily, paying for higher heat bills to keep their environment above 72F year round, and possibly dealing with a hedgehog that doesn't like attention.

There have been plenty of hedgehogs given up to rescue because their owner couldn't deal with the poopy wheel, or keep their environment warm enough, or felt their hedgehog hated them/was mean because it always huffed or raised its quills when picked up.

When people ask me if they should get a hedgehog I ask them what do they expect from a pet. Are you looking for a pet that will seek our your attention? Play with you? Wants to cuddle with you? If one of these is an absolute must, you may want to reconsider a hedgehog.
Heating requirements are the most important aspect of hedgehog ownership. Some hedgehogs are fine at 72/73F but most require 75F and some even more than that. If you have any hesitation about leaving an electrical heating device going 24/7 possibly year round, do not get a hedgehog. Microwavable discs are not a suitable heating source. Only an electric space heater, ceramic heat emitter, or a human heating pad will provide a consistent heat. If you or anyone you live with has an issue with one of these devices being left on 24/7 even when nobody is home, don't get a hedgehog.

The hedgehog will need to be housed in a separate room from you chin and rabbit.