
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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I recently adopted a little girl hedgie, her name is Basil!
shes a healthy happy little girl but ive noticed her poo is extremely stinky... :vomit: ive read that hedgehogs dont stink anymore then a normal small animal... perhaps its the food she eats? im not positive what food she is eating as her previous owner gave me the food in a ziplock bag. i do know it is quality cat food.
also what are the best ways to litter train a hedgehog? Basil seems to get the hang of it somewhat but the more i know the better!

First you are going to need to get some food before this ziplock bag runs out and start mixing it in with her food if you cant find out what name brand it is. There is a lis posted in this thread Basically what is best is a mix of different brands that you can find in your area. You can have one name brand of cat food that is the best of the best but if you cant get it where you live its not worth mentioning. So find what is in the area and go from there.

It is very possible that her poo stinks from her food. Also being young will make her poo stink. How old is she?

To liter train.. Its kind of hit or miss. We have some hoggies that are naturally clean and will only pooey in one area(mostly the wheel and the area around it) and you have others that poop all over. You can get a low pan and put paper towels in it and scope the poo in the area you want them to poop to see if she gets the hang of it but dont get discouraged if she doesnt.

Good luck! Also this forum is full of a bunch of useful info already. Feel free to use the search function and search around for your questions. Sometimes you will get an answer quicker. :)
Basil is 2 1/2 yrs old. as for litter training she is pretty good with that but i cant figure out how to get her to NOT poo on the wheel as sometimes its so foul it wakes me up as she runs through her own poo, and then she has poo on her little feet as well... :bangdesk:
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Pooping on their wheel and getting poopy feet is part of being a hedgehog. Its one of the downsides of caring for them. Get used to it, there are the very rare few who will get off of their wheel to poop, but most will always go on them. In fact, it is one area that when they stop doing it concerns owners that their hedgehog is sick as it may mean the hedgehog isn't using its wheel any longer.