questions about fleece

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New Owner
Mar 5, 2012
So i am a new chin owner (i took a 4 year old boy, whom i named Charlie, off of a friend of a friends hands because she could no longer care for him) and i absolutely love it so far! They are so social and just fun to have around!

anyways, i have seen a lot of posts about fleece in place of bedding as well as many other owner's pictures of fleece at the bottom of the cage. I was wondering if fleece is better than using bedding? Why or why not?

Charlie has a 2-level cage with a 3rd mini level kind of thing. It is set inside a metal bottom so you can put the bedding into the tray and then just place the cage on top of it. I am kind of skeptical about the wire bottom because i know that can be bad for some animal's feet, but he has some things he can stand on to get off of it.

basically, i am wondering if i should switch to fleece, and if so, is the cleaning more of a hassle when using fleece?

Any information would be helpful, i just want to make my baby as comfortable as possible! Sorry for the long, ranting post haha
All of my cages are fleece lined. I would highly recommend it in your case with the wire bottom and wire shelves. I would also suggest you cover the ramp with fleece if it's not removable.