
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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I have a question... my friend is getting a hedgehog tomorrow and i'm going with her. I really want a hedgehog too, and i was curious... are hedgies friendly with each other? for example, if I got one, would they play with each other or at least be friendly?

or are they very independent animals and will hate other hedgehogs?
They can be friendly, but like people, they don't always like each other. Males and Females should never play together, as they will mate. Keep this in mind if you're friend is getting from a petstore, if they get a female, housed with a male, prepare for babies. Two females could probably play ok together.
no, she's getting it from a breeder. I think it's a girl, but I'm not 100% sure. Can boys play with each other or will they fight?
Boys are known to fight to the death.. Not something you should risk.
ahahah ooohhh okay. that would not be fun to watch. XD
I'm growing too slow to answer these questions. xD
Personality of the two are also important when setting up play dates.
I,m not sure if play date would be a good idea, you need to quanrentaine hedgehogs before they can be introduced together, so "play dates" are kinda out of question IMO.
Everyone should spend quite a bit of research time before getting a hedgie. There are just too many things to learn to be prepared adequately. The cage, room temperature, food, vet, temperament, skin care etc just takes a bit of time to research and learn.
how come you need to quarantine them?

To make sure they are healthy. You wouldn't want a sick hedgehog giving something to a healthy one. The quarantine period just serves as a time to observe your new animal to make sure everything is OK and give it time to adjust to its new home. This should be done with any animal.
I suggest using the "search" function located at the top of every page and do a LOT of researh. Hedgehogs have a lot more to them than just a cute little face.. Please before getting any animals right now, DO RESEARCH!
no no, i've beeeen researching for a good couple months now! i'm not getting one yet. I was just thinking of getting one in the future. I was just wondering if they could play with eachother, that's all.

My friend got a hedgehog yesterday. I always research animals before getting them. XD