Question on finding a Job

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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2009
Upstate NY
Hello everyone again,

For those of you who know me, I haven't been working for quite some time. I use the internet to search for jobs, and even have my resume posted out there on several websites, but just about a year later, and nothing has come up. So i'm wondering if anyone knows of any good websites that might be better in job search than the ones I am using. I realize we all in different states, or even countries, but you always have the option to choose what State you live in.

So if anyone knows of any good sites, I would really appreciate it if you can share that knowledge. I'm thinking that the sites I use just aren't good ones.

Thank you all who try to help,
yeah, I've had the most luck searching on craigslist, or local newspapers. Or going to the websites of businesses in the area and searching their site for openings.

When I graduated and was looking for full time work, I had put my resume on MonsterJobs and didn't get anything off of it. Only a couple contacts from jobs that weren't even related to my field, so I don't know that those types of things always work.
I can sugest you Monster, Workopolis, Jobboom, Craig's List and Kijiji (I don't know if they all available in the USA). But are you looking for a speciality field? I got myself in a graphic designer group on Facebook and they had links for website that has job only related to my field, witch is where I get most of the offer I respond to (and get interview). Do your governement (state or federal) has online bank job offer, I look there too. Of course there's the traditional newspaper, local or regional, but I personnally only found one job interesting in the 6 years I've been working.

I wish you the best of luck, I know it's not easy, I'm lucky it's only been almost 2 months.
I can sugest you Monster, Workopolis, Jobboom, Craig's List and Kijiji (I don't know if they all available in the USA). But are you looking for a speciality field? I got myself in a graphic designer group on Facebook and they had links for website that has job only related to my field, witch is where I get most of the offer I respond to (and get interview). Do your governement (state or federal) has online bank job offer, I look there too. Of course there's the traditional newspaper, local or regional, but I personnally only found one job interesting in the 6 years I've been working.

I wish you the best of luck, I know it's not easy, I'm lucky it's only been almost 2 months.

Hi, yes I have an Assoc. Degree in the computer field, so I am looking for a position in my field, but since unemployment is almost over and I can't find anything, and I have sent out many resumes, I will take anything at this point. I have tried monstor, that site did not work out for me and I do check craigslist, and that site hasn't worked out for me, but I will check into those other places.

Ya know for those of you who don't know, [I just feeling like venting, I'm really scare/nervous] I am 44, and I was making really good money, I was working two jobs for a long time, and my full time job paid fairly decent [and my part time job I waitressed and even though I didn't work many hours, the money was good] and it's funny because when I was working both jobs, I thought I still didn't make enough, but now i realize that was because of how much I spent on the animals [all spoiled and they always came before me--their enjoyed is far more important than me wearing expensive clothing or spending money no me for everything alot of woman do], but being on unemplyment I can't spend as much on them, yes i still get what they need and sometimes things they don't but not like I used to. But that is besides the point that I just want to make.

I got my degree late in life because I never knew what I wanted to do after highschool. Couldn't concentrate on anything in particular and got bored very easily with everything [part of ADHD]. Then after computers came out, I self taught myself alot, and wanted to go to school for them, but like a fool, I waited too long because I couldn't afford it. If I went when I first wanted to, maybe things would be different now and I would of been in a secure job by now because there was such a demand for computer people in the beginning, but we can't go back and change time, so no use dwelling over what could of been right?!

Anyways, so obviously I did end up going to school, getting my degree and started working for a committee in the Assembly. Well, when the department head got booted from his position, someone high up decided that they didn't want a help desk with this committee anymore and the office got abolished and we all got moved over the the Assembly's computer department [where they handle the whole Assembly, where I was we just worked with the one committee]. Anyways, so as some of you probably now, when someone is told they have to take you, that right there is difficult because they have to take you and kind of ends up them resenting you for that. There were five of us, and we all had problems with the move, even though we were all in different units. A few people found jobs else where and left because they got sick of the BS. I started looking with the regular state because I am on the list, but nothing in my area of expertise was open. Anyways, I always knew my position was not safe because of everything that happened and this office not liking any of us and giving us so much trouble in the beginning. So after 7 years and winning my comp case, although I just got a few rewards, and a backstabbing witch of a boss, I got canned.

If someone where to ask me where I would be at 44, I wouldn't think it would be where I am at now and scared because I don't have a decent, secure, well paying job. When I was working, I knew there was always a chance of getting let go, but I kind of thought I would make it out of there on my own by finding a different position and furthering my career, but that didn't happen. And now with the economy the way it is, even though computer people are needed at every job, I just can't find anything, I have even applied for entry level jobs, and maybe I never got called because of what I was making in the past. We all know that if you made way more than what someone is paying, they don't like to hire you. The other problem could be that I haven't been on a help desk in 7 years [the last sevens years I did html] and my knowledge is outdated, but I do learn really quick, but that's not enough for alot of people. They want to hire people that already know certain platforms, programs...etc.

Sorry for rambling, if anyone read this. I'm just very scared and nervous right now, I mean even if I can't find just anything to get some money in, what do I do, I can't lose my house, because more importantly I can't lose my animals. They mean more to me than any person in the world, even Tim, and that probably sounds horrible, but my animals are like my saviors with the disease I suffer, they help out so much. They mean so much to me, I could never get rid of them. That's why I bought the house, for my animals, when I bought it, I wasn't ready financially, but I did what I had to do make it work out.

I have fought hard to get where I was, and now I just feel like a total loser and again very afraid that I will lose my house because I can't even find a crap job, just for some income.

Guess I'm feeling sorry for myself, I don't know. I just needed a place to say all this because most of you guys are really caring and there's always someone in here that can relate to a situation.

This economy really needs to get better, alot of people are going to end up suffering really hard, I'm feeling sorry for myself, but I'm sure there are many people out there that are much worse off than I am because of the horrible economy we are in. I guess I was naive when it started to drop because I really thought by now, it would of gotten better. Yah right!! What a dummy I was thinking that. And to make things worse, where I live, the Governor wants to lay off a ton of state workers, yah right, drop all the little people that could end up losing everything, but still all the big wigs give themselves nice big raises. I say they need to stop giving themselves big raises and let the little people [i mean people that don't make much] keep their jobs. They need to start spending the money correctly and not abusing it, of course we're never going to get out of deficit in my area because the government people spend money in places that are not suppose to spend it. When I worked for the Assembly one of my friends was a programmer and they had her write a program to make it look like the funds went to a particular place, but they were really going someplace else, someplace the money wasn't meant to go.

It's quite sad when most politicians rip off the state and everyone else has to suffer from it.

Well again I'm sorry for rambling, I will end it here. There's nothing that can be done.

I know it might not be easy and that people might also be put off but age (I know that, they are put off by young people too, like me). I tought of another thing. Does the school you get your degree has a bank job? Mide does and no matter when you graduated, they still let you see/apply for the job offer they have. It doesn't cost a thing to look at that.
You could also try looking for jobs for your state or city. I'm not sure of the websites for those since I'm not sure where you live, but I know when I was looking for a job, the state always had many to apply for.

If nothing else, have you tried applying for jobs that you may not enjoy? Like waitressing again, retail or other less specialized jobs? They would atleast give you some time to look for a more long term job and still have an income.
Around here employers dont give people the time of day if they are just email or posting a resume. And they will say it to. Job postings around here tell you to come in and bring in a resume. Mom had one that made you write a hand written letter to the employer. Only four people did out of the 50+ who applied.

They want people to show an effort. So I would suggest going out the the actual company and showing face.. I applied for 8 months with online postings and newpaper ads. And MAYBE got three phone calls. Once I got out there and showed my face to the world I was getting interviews left and right.
Since unemployment is almost over and I can't find anything, and I have sent out many resumes, I will take anything at this point. Jean

They will probably extend your unemployment benefits another 26 weeks, there is a some Federal Emergency Fund or something. My first 26 weeks were up, and usually that's all you get, but now I got another 26 weeks of umemployment. The internet is OK for finding a job but it's important to get out there in person too and even try to leave apps with places that aren't hiring just yet. Hopefully they'll keep your app until something opens up.
I have another tip (I hope I'm not anoying). Sometimes some company have a career section on their website and they say something like "even if there's no opening send your CV and we'll keep it in our bank". It might be a good idea to sport interesting (or not!) place to work and see if you can send your CV anyway.

As for showing up in person to give your CV, I think it deepends on your field and location. If I ever do that, I'm sure it would be trown in the garbage. My teachers told me that and it's mostly true, they don't want people bugging them about jobs. It's mainly because there are a lot more people looking for a graphic design job, than vacant jobs.
My son, who is also into computors, got most of his training while working for Allstate Insurance. While there, he was offered many co, paid training courses, and took them all! Apparently there are Co's who get a list of people who take these advanced courses, as he was offered job after job after he completed a course, but didn't want to give up the security at Allstate. Finally jumped when they offered mid 6 figures and a 1 yr. contract, but no benefits. That was a few years ago, and now he works from home, for a little less!
Guess a little more training and some luck would get you back to work!
If you took advanced courses of any kind, make sure you list them! Good luck!
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Also wanted to add that volunteering is a good way to gain some skills and references. Ask at churchs, food banks, the blood bank and I think CL has a volunteers needed section.