Question on a Name for a chin

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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2009
Upstate NY
Hi all,

I have a new chin and I named her Angel. Mostly because after what had happened to Christy, she became my Angel. But every time I call her that, my boyfriend say's it's a horrible name.

So I'm curious to see what you guys think, I'm not the best at naming animals, hence Chin-chin :hilarious:, so do you guys think that is an okay name, if not any suggestions.


I think Angel sounds like a beautiful name. A name should be fitting and the feeling should come from within you, so if Angel feels right to you, you shouldn't change it.
I was thinking of naming a chin Angel, but its a family name in my family among males on my father's side! Its a common Spanish name. I still haven't decided LOL!! But if that's the name that came to your heart, I say go for it!!
If it's good enough for God and His Heavenly Hosts, then yes I say it's a good name. LOL
Tell your boyfriend to name his own pets.
If it's good enough for God and His Heavenly Hosts, then yes I say it's a good name. LOL
Tell your boyfriend to name his own pets.

:rofl: On the last part. Actually he's not fond of pets, used to be in a band, bet he has pet names for his guitars though....:hilarious: [he would never hurt one though, and does help out alot with my dog, even though he's not fond of animals, so that's very nice of him]

Anyways, thanks you guys. It was really nice reading your answers to this question. I'm keeping her name Angel. :)

My boyfriend pretends to *strongly dislike* animals, he'd also never hurt them but he does say mean things sometimes, but then when I sneak up on him I always find him baby talking Kingston or asleep on the livingroom floor with the dog! He's a closet animal-lover :]
My boyfriend pretends to *strongly dislike* animals, he'd also never hurt them but he does say mean things sometimes, but then when I sneak up on him I always find him baby talking Kingston or asleep on the livingroom floor with the dog! He's a closet animal-lover :]

That is sooo cute. lol. Must make you feel great when you catch

Yah, Tim complains alot about not liking animals and I think sometimes he gets annoyed because I'm all about animals and spend alot of time with them during the day, but when I was sick and couldn't get out of bed, he did everything for Cairo [my dog]. He was great with her. lol. I still had to do the caged animals, but it was really nice of him to do everything for Cairo.

I was 10 weeks pregnant when my grandmother died, but I had a conversation with her the day before she passed and asked what I should name my baby, she was the first person I told after my husband. My grandmother loved angels and said to name the baby what I felt in my heart and told me that she would be my babies guardian angel. The second I saw my baby girl, she became Angeline and her nickname is Angel. So my vote would be for you to keep Angel.
Must be a male thing, my friend's dad pretends to dislike their family dog. Saying "You bad dog!" "Look at that bad, lazy dog!" all the time. But he walks her everyday, and when the dog was sick he let her sit in an arm chair with him.
My Dad is always the first in our house to say no to animals. he desn't want anymore, they make a mess, too much effort etc.

Then we catch him.

We caught him talking to the guinea pigs, asking them how they were, and the first time I went away for the weekend after having my first (baby) Chins, my mum caught him sitting in my room, talking to them at about 3am so they wouldn't get lonely...:laughitup:

The Chins love him. he speaks very softly and strokes them very gently, so much so they will actually sit still on his lap - they won't do it for anyone else.

Definitley another closet animal fan.

BTW I think Angel is a lovely name - just ignore him.
My Dad is always the first in our house to say no to animals. he desn't want anymore, they make a mess, too much effort etc.

Then we catch him.

We caught him talking to the guinea pigs, asking them how they were, and the first time I went away for the weekend after having my first (baby) Chins, my mum caught him sitting in my room, talking to them at about 3am so they wouldn't get lonely...:laughitup:

The Chins love him. he speaks very softly and strokes them very gently, so much so they will actually sit still on his lap - they won't do it for anyone else.

Definitley another closet animal fan.

BTW I think Angel is a lovely name - just ignore him.

Very cool story, I love it. Thanks. Alot of the stories in this post are great, thanks to all of you who shared.

maybe angie??? or try looking up angel in different languages? that could be cool :)