Question About Roses

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Chin Spirit
Dec 26, 2010
I was wondering if it is ok to dry out and use the petals from long stem roses and then feed them to Chins. I was worried about pesticide. Is this a concern with store purchased roses. I would love to dry out my roses I got for Valentines day but don't want to cause any harm to my Chins.
I definitely would not give the petals of store bought roses. There is no way to know if they are pesticide free or not. Most likely they were sprayed with something. You only want to stick with known organic.
I have a neighbor down the street from me that grows the big loose wild rose bushes and I asked if I could have some and told her what my plans were for them, she thought it was so adorable she gave me a handful. There's probably lots of pesticide free roses near you, it's amazing how much you notice when you see things with chins in mind. I have a coworker with an apple tree in his backyard and man oh man do my boys love dried apple leaves!