Question about oats

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Chinchilla slave
Apr 20, 2009
Rochester, NY
My husband loves oatmeal, and I usually would buy the rolled oats in bulk, and give Trixie some as an occasional treat. But recently Rick bought some quick oats..the kind that comes in the cylendar box. Are thse OK for Trixie? Or should I wait and get some rolled for her?
Quick oats are not okay, they need to be the old fashioned kind.

Both old fashioned and quick oats come in cylinder containers, so you need to double check that you feed the old fashioned kind.
Fine, thanks. He put them into a storage cannistar we have, and I am pretty sure they were the I will just hold off untill I know I have the regular oats for Trixie.
Both quick and regular come in round canisters, it makes me mad when I accidentally pick up the wrong one. Quick are pretty much nutritionless.
I give Idgie the rolled oats sometimes, but even better nutrionally are the oat groats. (What they are before they get rolled or steel cut.) They are a little crunchier, too. I buy them in bulk at Whole Foods.
I give Idgie the rolled oats sometimes, but even better nutrionally are the oat groats. (What they are before they get rolled or steel cut.) They are a little crunchier, too. I buy them in bulk at Whole Foods.

I have never heard of these. Would they be available at any natural food store? I do not have a Whole Foods here
Oat groats are just the oats. They look like little oblong rice. I would assume that natural stores and feed stores would have them. They are super cheap, too.
You can find oat groats at most places that carry Bob's Red Mill products and sometimes in the bulk bins.