Question about a stress seizure.

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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2010
Im just wondering why some chinchillas have a stress seizure, and others dont. How common is this? Is this pretty common, or kind of rare? My other 2 chins I know were scared when I got them, but they never had a seizure. Does it men that my one boy is more sensitive?

The people I got my 2 boys from got them 10 months ago from someone that got them as babies, and sold them to them when they were 2. I called them and told them what happened to him. They said he never had a seizure with them. They were very surprised this happened to him. Why wouldnt he have a seizure when they got him, but he had one when I got him?

How can stress cause a seizure? What exactly happens to their body that would cause them to have a seizure from stress? I dont understand how that can happen.

It only happened that one time so far. I am still checking on him alot. Im so afraid of it happening again. Im just so confused with this, and still worried about him.

I really need someone to explain this to me.

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Because some chins do and some chins don't. That's about the only answer you're going to get. It was just the right time of day, the right amount of stress, a possible drop in blood sugar, a little too much heat, not good food, etc. It all combined at one time to cause a seizure.

Don't panic. Just watch and see if it happens again. Odds are it won't.
You asked if it's a common occurrence for chins to have seizures and I believe the answer is no--this is not a common occurrence. As much as we would like to have an exact answer all the time, we just don't. As Peggy said it was just the right factor to create the seizure. As with any creature human or animal, yes continue to monitor him to see if it happens again. If it does, log the conditions of his surroundings to prevent something like this from happening again. But again, as Peggy said, the odds of it happening again are most likely slim.
Well i've been going through stress seizures for the past five months and the the only thing the doctor could explain was some people do with too much stress and some don't. So thats pretty much your explanation.
Our chin Pika had a seizure once, and it really scared us. We bought some Karo syrup just in case it ever happened again. This was over a year ago, and it has not happened since.

Like said before, Sometimes the conditions are just right for it to happen. I know it is hard, but try not to stress to much about it.
He has been doing fine since that happened. He is active, eats, drinks, poops, and loves to run around. He seems very healthy, and alert. He acts just like my other 2. Hopefully it was a one time thing. I think it will always be on my mind because I never seen anything like it, and it really scared me.
I totally understand the being scared part--hopefully it will just be a one time occurrence.
I think it helps to relate things to humans. I have a close friend who passed out last summer because of, as her doctor put it, 'the right ingredients'. She was a bit dehydrated, really hot (working in a pizza shop), and when she went to the bathroom and peed, it was just too much for her body, and she passed out. It happened one other time, when she was washing her hands (after peeing, again), and the doctor said that relieving herself is just her body's trigger. Apparently her body was like "Ah, that's too much!" and shut down for like 15 seconds.
Just think about how dehydrated he was, in addition to new, shocking food, a new place to get used to, the joy of being able to run around, and then maybe pooing or peeing or dusting was just the final straw so to speak. Maybe it happened to him and not the other guy because he was more dehydrated or something (you mentioned that they fought over the water bottle).
Any shock to the body's system, whether it's something normal like peeing, or something abnormal like loosing a lot of blood for example (say donating blood), is liable to send someone into some sort of shock. For people like me (giving blood) I pass out. For your chinchilla, his body had a 'seizure'. He will be okay. Just keep an eye on him and everything will be okay. Don't get too stressed out or you'll be the next one! :impatient: lol.

Seriously though, don't worry about it. He will be fine. :)
I will try to relax, and not worry about it. Its so hard though. Thank you for all your kind words:)