I received my order from Quality Mutation Chinchillas and I received a sample of the Herbs and Oats, well Watson got a sample of it haha. And I swear there is some sort of magic ingredient because he LOVES it!!! He was never this enthusiastic about raisins (when I was still giving them to him) to this extent either! He's a big cholla chew fan as well now. It's so funny trying to see him go into his hidey house holding his stick horizontally:rofl:
I'm so sad QMC will be closing! I'm trying to guilt my boyfriend into placing an order before she closes :hmm:
Is it just Watson or is this Herbs and Oats concoction magical???
I'm so sad QMC will be closing! I'm trying to guilt my boyfriend into placing an order before she closes :hmm:
Is it just Watson or is this Herbs and Oats concoction magical???