pustulant bumps

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super-duper hedgiepig
Jan 29, 2009
Satin likes to get a bump on her skin every few months - I notice them and make note to call for a vet appointment the next day. They come to a head and pus comes out before she's seen - it happens rather quickly. Actually, the one prior "popped" soon after I took her out of the carrier at the vet's, so she's been able to take a gander under the microscope of a very fresh sample. The vet said hasn't seen anything really "bad" - more of a run of the mill sorta like a teenager with a pimple kind of infection. Then the answer is a topical antibiotic and the vet and I debate oral antibiotics.

The first was on her belly. The others have been mixed in with the quills on her shoulder/back of head/neck area. For the first time, I didn't call for the one that came to a head last night... just cleaned it up and put on the topical meds that she had from the last time, figuring I've seen this a few times before and this is the general plan for what to do afterward. I'll be keeping my eye on it and calling if it starts taking a different course than expected.

What I don't understand how she keeps getting these things and if there's something I should be doing differently. I wash my hands and put on clean clothes before I pick her up (so I'm thinking it's not me), she gets footbaths (warm water) in the morning to clean up poopyfeet. Wheel and wheelmat that catches most of the messes get cleaned every morning. House and accessories every two to three days once I spot/sniff a mess. So it's not like she's living in filth. She gets a full bath (oatmeal & water) when she's messy from anointing (maybe every couple months). They're aren't bugs in the house that are attacking. I can't control her scratching an itch with a poopy foot in the middle of the night... which has been the presumed contributing factor... but geez. The poor little girl :(

Thoughts on what to do in general? Am I making a mistake not bringing her in this time (provided it stays the regular course)?