'No they're not bunnies'
So I took my hour long trip today to get another 25lb bag of Mazuri, and I noticed they now carry 50lbs of Purina Rabbit Chow. The Mazuri is $19 for 25lbs, and the Purina is $16 for 50lbs. I've seen many people mention they feed their chinchillas Purina Rabbit Chow SHOW. Is this a different formula then what my store carries? I currently have 5 chins who all eat like little piggies and are CONSTANTLY flipping there bowls so I'm always having to refill them, so the food going stale will not be a problem. If this is the brand of Purina that everyone has mentioned, I'll be switching them to that. (Over an extended period of time, gradually mixing of course!) I'm all for saving a few extra bucks, but I'm not willing to risk the lives of any of my chins over $15. So if someone could clear this up if its two different formulas or if its the same, it would be MUCH appreciated.
I've attached a picture of the food that the store carries.
I've attached a picture of the food that the store carries.