pumice - (sorry, not sure where to post this)

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Well-known member
Aug 28, 2009
i know that the pet stores sell pumice stones that chinnies can chew on to maintain healthy teeth and satisfy their natural desire to bite...

does anyone know if a store bought pumice stone would be safe? one like this:
http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=...&ndsp=31&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:62&biw=1417&bih=704 or this http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=...page=1&ndsp=36&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0&tx=52&ty=80
if you cut off just the pumice to put in the chinchillas cage?

sorry if its a dumb question..:banghead: its just that i cant get to the pet store and they sell those pumice stones where i work...and id like to get one asap because my chin keeps looking for something hard to bite! lol
i wouldnt suggest it. products like that are for human use and since we dont eat pumice (well...I dont..lol), it may have chemicals or fragrance in it.

a year ago i was desperate to give gizmo some of my pumice stone cuz it looked like he needed to chew bad. not gonna lie, i licked and even bit into the stone first and it wasnt pleasant. definitely had a fragrance.

in regards to toys, stick to things that you know are 100% chin-safe. human items usually arent. same reason we dont offer tree branches from outside- its better to be safe than sorry.

i know a few members sell pumice stone. like Alli713 (www.camphorchins.com)

i know its tempting to go for a quick-fix, but just play it safe.
Thank you. I think the store I work at has organic natural pumice stones like that.. But even though they claim to be natural they aren't always. I'll wait till I go to the pet store. Thank you so much!
Petsmart and other pet stores have lava bites which are similiar, Flowertown Chinchillas sell pumice. They are in Brampton and will ship. Just google their name for their online store.