puffed pellet question

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
OK, Chilli eats his pellets, but as far as I can tell, he is not eating much hay. He has never liked hay much, except the expensive Orchard Grass kind. So I saw these timothy pellets at the store- timothy hay in pellet form. Could I do the same thing to them as I do with his Mazuri?
are you asking if you can make them puffed?? as in pour water over them and bake them?? if so, i am not sure how that would work, depends on how the hay is cut. the mazuri has some binders in it and i am not sure if the hay pellets do. i guess depending on the price, you could try it??
as for the hay, maybe you could contact a memeber here who sells different types of hay and for small fee they would mail you differnt types to see if chili likes one over the other. He may like the "softer" grasses and there are so many different brands and varieties you may just find one he likes!