Protecting Floor Molding Etc

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Jul 5, 2009
My chinchilla loves running around in the bathroom, jumping on the toilet, bouncing off the walls, pooping on the floor... and chewing on the floor molding, chair, and other things. Not sure what type of wood these are and would rather not have them chewed in the first place. Anyone have any ideas how to protect these from gnawing chinchilla teeth?
I've seen people line them with aluminum foil, that seems to keep the chins from chewing. I gave up years ago trying to keep the chins from chewing up the walls and trim - that may be why there is excessive rodent damage in my chin bathrooms. :) Any of the sprays, which are supposed to deter chewing, just act as seasoning and the chins chew anyway.
MMMMMMMM This one is bitter apple flavored, try it!

Be sure to have a toy box, with things like various wood toys, play house, some wooden balls that would roll, and a variety of wood chunks to munch on, this will help deter them from chewing on other stuff.
that is such a good idea.........a toy box. i am making one tonight!
my bathroom is destroyed. when i first got richie years ago he nibbled on the moldings, window sill, walls, cabinets. now i sit in there with them at playtime & if i hear any of them nibble i clap my hands. plus richie is still the only one who climbs on the windowsill.
last week he was sun bathing!!
Yup, it's called PLAY time right? Not just run around time... playing including jumping and other stuff as well. I used to run a supply store and made play houses with toys on top, a place they can jump on and hide under, people loved it for play time, and anything new is automatically fun!
MMMMMMMM This one is bitter apple flavored, try it!

Be sure to have a toy box, with things like various wood toys, play house, some wooden balls that would roll, and a variety of wood chunks to munch on, this will help deter them from chewing on other stuff.

She has her toys, dust bath, little house out for playtime... and she still prefers things in the bathroom. Now all of the sudden she's decided the wooden toilet seat is fair game, too. :(
It's too bad that they don't have stone or concrete base boards. I put out toys for playtime - I switch out their playcenters, as well. They just chew on everything, so I gave up...let them chew. Since the last time I painted up the hallway trim and baseboards they've left it alone completely, but they go after everything in the bathroom and entry way. Someday, when I have a proper chin facility, I am going to have playrooms that do not have fixtures and trim that can be destroyed. We'll see when that happens. :)
I give up on protecting anything also. I first had playtime in our large bathroom, but they ate the baseboards. I sanded them and painted them and had playtime in our half bath which just has tile as the floor and walls, so I thought there was nothing to chew on. I stepped out to grab my computer and bring it into the bathroom so I could do homework while they were playing, I came back, and my door had a huge chunk missing from it. :banghead: It's easier to sand and paint baseboards than it is to fill in a hole in a door....

They always seem to go behind the toilet thinking that I can't see them.. I've found that clapping your hands or slapping the floor gets them to quit.... At least it does for 1 of them.
Our Chins hate the sound of an air can (pressured air cans used to clean computer keyboards and such) we use that to chase them away from paper on the desk, baseboards, etc... just make sure to never actually hit them, I'm sure that would hurt. The noise is enough for our guys.