Problem with my new boy. Please help!

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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2010
I just picked up my 2 boys tonight. They are very active, and are eating and drinking real good.

I noticed my pink white one started to act strange. First his right ear laid down real strange, then he wasnt walking right. Then he was shaking, and his right back leg was dragging. He just laid in one spot and didnt move. I picked him up and he was very calm. Then he tried walking again, but his right leg wasnt moving. After a couple minutes he was fine. He has been running around acting like nothing happened. Its like he went limp on his right side for a of couple minutes, then it just went away. He wasnt hot. I felt his ears, and they were on the cold side. I know he was on a very bad diet, so I dont know if this is why it happened.

I am very worried about him. I was thinking he had a seizure, but Im not sure. It looked more like a stroke, but now he is fine. Does anyone have any idea what this was?

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I am not sure what it could be, but they drank for 15 min, are eating like pigs. Maybe his body is reacting to actually being fed a good meal, great hay and actually having water.
If it is all on one side it could be a stroke.. but I agree with saphire, just make observations for the time being. If this happens again I would say see a vet.
Sounds like a seizure to me, I would not rush to a vet since it may not happen again. Next time if it happens pay close attention to what he was doing, temp in room, had he just eaten, was he running around etc.
Maybe epilepsy? If he got right up it could've been a fit...don't want to scare you, don't worry. Just keep an eye on him. IDK if epilepsy in chins is the same as humans, but I know that there are a few people on here with experience w/ epileptic chins.
It may have been a hypoglycemic seizure, or something else set it off. Was the chin out for playtime when the weird activity happened? Like ticklechin said, watch his activity and see if it happens again. Then you may be able to link it to something.

As long as he otherwise continues to move around normally, his appetite stays okay and he is going to the bathroom, I wouldn't worry much unless it happens again.
It could have been the stress of going to a new home. Sometimes that stress can bring on seizures. Like stated above, it could be a low blood sugar episode. I had a new chin many years ago have a bad seizure because he was malnourished and the stress of being in a new place just pushed him over the edge.

Watch the little guy closely, but let him take his time getting to know his new surroundings and you. Don't push him to get him to do anything he doesn't want to do. Give him a week or so to calm down and get used to everything. :) Take him to the vet if he doesn't improve or if it happens and is worse. Chances are he will not have any more problems, but you need to watch closely to be sure.
I had him out in a playpen with some toys, and a dust bath. He was very active, then it happened. One minute he was checking everything out and taking a bunch of dust baths, then he had the episode. After a couple minutes he was fine. I stayed up until after 5am keeping an eye on him. He was very alert, and running on the wheel alot. He didnt look sick at all. I was so worried about him. Today he seems fine. He is active, eating, drinking, and pooping. I know the diet they had them on was horrible. But now they are getting Mazuri pellets, Timothy Hay, and water. Plus I am letting both of them take dust baths every night right now to help with their fur. They are in good hands now, so hopefully everything will be fine.

I know he must be scared, because he doesnt know us and our house. He just sits and stares at us. I read that stress can cause this. I also read a poor diet can cause it. I think maybe with both his body just couldnt take it. I pray to God this never happens again. I am already very close to them.
If it happens again put some karo syrup on a q-tip and put it on the inner part of his lips to bring him out if its a low blood sugar seizure-after that give him a bit of something sweet prior to play.