Preschool Playdate???

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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2011
So after I posted pictures of my chinnies on FB a few of our friends said their kids wanted to come over and see them. (I guess Dora the Explorer has had chinchillas on the show... didn't know, we never watch it.) So I invited a few over for a playdate.

The chins will stay in the cage for the most part. I will probably take one out so they can feel her fur and maybe let them watch one take a dust bath. I found some coloring pages and I want to talk to them about their natural habitat etc.

Any other thoughts??? These are preschool kids so we don't need too much.
Sounds alright to me...I have a neighborhood child over daily during the week to come see the chins. I rotate out chins as to which gets petting what day.
as long as the kids aren't able/allowed to grab or 'manhandle' the chins, and they know to be quiet and calm, it should go well. let us know how everyone does, chins and kids alike!

and if any of the kids look sniffly/have cold symptoms, they should definitely not be allowed near the chins.
Thanks for the advice! The alcohol rub was a great call!

I think it went well. Who knows how much preschoolers will retain, but they had fun and hopefully learned something.

coloring chinnie coloring pages (if only breeders would get on these color mutations! ;))

made a little picture board so they could see what other chinnies look like, babies etc

Daisy May liked the picture board too!
oh lol on the Handbag photo on your poster board! are the kids going to think chinchillas come with a royal wedding hat? too funny!

good to hear it went well. did you get shots of the individual colouring pages? i'd like to see those 'mutations', hahaha!
oh lol on the Handbag photo on your poster board! are the kids going to think chinchillas come with a royal wedding hat? too funny!

good to hear it went well. did you get shots of the individual colouring pages? i'd like to see those 'mutations', hahaha!

Heee heee, I know. I just coudln't resist the Handbag photo! Although that one was more for the moms.

I will take some pics of G's coloring pages tomorrow.