I used to let my chin run around the house, and she did plenty of damage, even with me right behind her the entire time. I would then confine her to just the bathroom, and she still manage to do damage to my cabinets. For me, the best solutions was to get a couple of playpens, attach them together for a larger play area, and then attach the pens to her cage. I can leave her cage door open and she can go in and out of her cage, into the playpen, whenever she wants. Chins can jump over the playpen, so some have covers over their pens, others have tall sheets of cardboard attached together to make very tall walls for their pen.
Otherwise, I don't believe there is anyway you can totally chin-proof a house for a chin on the loose. Too many dangers. Your chins shouldn't be escaping from their cages, but if that is a problem, can they be moved to a room that can be shut away from the rest of the house and chin-proofed?