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I am and I was wondering if there was anyone else on here that was pregnant?
I have 21 more days!! I'm due Feb 22!!! How bout ne one else?
TG i am NOT but did want to wish you luck and say ENJOY!
I am pregnant and get to go in for an induction on Tuesday. My EDD was the 8th but my OB wants to go ahead early.

Do you know what you are having? You're sooo close to the end.
I am and my due date is the 21st. Hopefully i'll make it till then or at least til my leave paperwork is finished.
Thanks! OO tomorrow you get induced! I wish you the best of luck!! They say that it looks like a girl BUT the legs were in the way n could be hiding pieces BUT from the looks it doesn't seem that way BuT Not to hold them 100% which stinks I reallly wanted to know BUT I have 1 boy n 1 girl so it doesn't really bother me what i have. OO the 21st! Not to much longer! Do you know what you are having Kirara?
That is very pretty!! We have Wayde Thomas picked out for a boy n then a girl we have Claire but thats it we can think of a cute middle name
We were hoping for a boy and were going to name him Atreyu Gage. My DBF had the name picked out for many years.
thats really cute!! My hubby wants another boy but i want another girl. Do you have everything for the baby?
I think so, we have all the big stuff and clothes. Im pretty sure there is something else we could get. But we live in a 2 bedroom apt and dont have a lot of space to store stuff, so were trying not to buy til we actully need it.
definitely not pregnant again, but the other day i had a crazy baby dream... hopefully its not a sign as I am NOT ready for another!!! (luckily I am on birth control and still breastfeeding and have not even had a post-partum period yet!)
We are still gathering everything we need. We moved from Hawaii back to IL so we got rid of most of our stuff as we were living with hubbys parents until we got our own place so we had no where to put all our stuff so other than the crib we have to buy everything all over again. I've never had a baby shower so after the baby is born we are going to have one then we know for a fact what I'm having and get the right colors.
I am not pregnant, but had two boys, now 8 and 10, and I absolutely loved being pregnant! No morning sickness and I was in love with the idea of my baby growing inside me. I especially loved to feel them move around, although sometimes it was painful! They were good kickers - now they play soccer!

Congrats to you! Stay busy and your time will go fast. Shoot for the 25th - that's my birthday :)
I've had the easiest pregancey so far. No morning sickness, minor mood swings, almost no weight gain, and no swelling. I love feeling her move around. I know that is one thing i'm going to miss.
Man with my daughter i had no morning sickness but just certain things i ate would make me sick my son no morning sickness but BOY did he LOVE being up in my ribs! This pregnancy I was so sick the first 3 months I couldn't move with out getting sick. I'm sure i'll go over the 22nd with my daughter & son I went over 2 weeks!But the army wouldn't induce me until unless i went 2 wks over.
The only thing that is "bad" is that i have a huge mass. About 16 centimeters in diameter and there not sure what it is. The oncologist i saw thinks its a fluid filled ovarian cyst and if that's what it is i will lose my right ovary when they remove the mass.
ooo man!! I hope its nothing that will effect your pregnancy or anything!!
There is a possibility I could be pregnant. I don't want to be though. My baby is only 7 months old and I think I would go crazy if I had 2 that close together. (Don't get me wrong, kudos to those who can do it. I know I can't) But the husband was home for 2 weeks for his mid-tour leave and well... ya know... :soldier: