Pregnant too long?

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May 18, 2013
Im not sure what to think about Cucumber. It has been 5 months since She was with her mate. She is getting very very big and the babies are practically falling out her mouth she's so full. I am just wondering if its possible that she has been pregnant too long. I guess its possible she didnt get pregnant right away and she just has a lot of babies, im just worried and not sure what to do. Should I just wait patiently? Also earlier in the pregnancy she got semi-diarhea for a couple days.
I recently had a chin that I thought was well overdue and it turned out to be a pretty sticky situation. (It was the first time I ever experienced something like that.) I posted a thread about Sitara under the breeding and babies section. If the male has been separated for 5 months I would definitely be concerned. My girl wasn't contracting AT ALL and soooo many things can go wrong so you might want to see what your vet thinks about this.
has the male been separated from her for 5 months?? or did you put them together 5 months ago?
The male was with her for a few months but he hasn't been with her for a few months now. She is with the baby from her first litter though. I thought she was going to go into birth earlier today because she was down on the bottom of the cage but nothing.
How long exactly has she been apart from the male? Gestation is 111 days if it is over that I would be concerned. Is the kit she is caged with a male or female? Male kits can breed their mothers at extremely young ages.
She has been away from him for less than 3 months I would say.. He is actually by himself right now though. Away from the two girls.
I'd allow a week either side of 111 days, that would be my rule of thumb for a single standard deviation in gestation period. Any longer than that and I'd see a vet.

Kits can breed from as young as 5 months so if she's with her son I would separate the two.
For some reason my response never showed up. Right now the male is by himself and my pregnant chin is with her daughter from her first litter. I am about to go in and check on her for the first time this morning. She had a baby boy but I gave him to my girlfriend after about 10 weeks so I dont think thats a concern
She seems even less pregnant today than she has the last few days. I guess I will have to hope she didnt get pregnant right away and just wait and see what happens. Thanks for the responses though everybody
mattyb584- was "daddy" with BOTH females? If so, I'd highly recommend against that in the future. Likewise, if you're not sure how mom reacts to other chins in the cage when she litters, you may want to remove her daughter. Even if you're not sure how the daughter will react you should probably remove her. That all said, are you 100% sure she's even pregnant? Chinchillas can take MONTHS and MONTHS to get pregnant so just because she's been exposed to a male...does not mean she's pregnant. Finally, if you're sure she is could have a few weeks to wait was pointed out, chin gestation is 111days (give or take a week). If she goes beyond 118days she needs to see a vet. If she starts acting ill, seek a vet.