Pregnant chin / light teeth

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Christiane's Chinchillas
Jul 4, 2009
Montréal, Québec
I need some input as to what to do.
I haven't seen this with my other girls. But my Standard s/c is pregnant and her teeth have gotten lighter, not white but a pale yellow color. It has gotten a little better but I was wondering what more I can do to help.

Right now she is on Oxbow; pellets, timothy and a bit of alfalfa hay, 1/4 teaspoon of lifeline a day.

Is there anything more I can do to help her.

Thanks ahead of time for your imput.
When my pregnant girls teeth turn lighter, I give them a quarter tums a day for a week or a piece of a cuttle bone (better, no sugar) each day for a week. That usually helps them to recover from any loss that is suffered during pregnancy.
I have noticed this on monday. I am unable to get out till sunday. Can it wait till then to purchase cuttle bone? Is this most likely to happen every time she is pregnant, or is can this maybe just a one time thing? Should I be overly concerned?
I would think it could wait until Sunday. They aren't completely white, just lightening up.

The few chins that I know of that have had it happen were first time moms. After the first pregnancy, they didn't do it again. I wouldn't be too horribly concerned unless they don't go back to their normal orange color.
She is a first time mom. So once I start the cuttle bone. I will keep a close look. Will keep you posted.

thank you Peggy