Chinnie Maid
I've searched through the threads but still have some questions, and will have many more during this possible journey.
I'm interested in breeding, but not anytime soon (by that I mean a minimum of 2 years). What interests me about breeding? These beautiful animals and how individuals do their very best to produce the best quality, beautiful, and good tempered chins.
Why don't I want to do it now? I'm a bit of an anal perfectionist and want to have 5 figures saved in the bank, I want my human kids to be older and not as dependent on me, and I want PLENTY of time to have things ready, do more research, attend lots of shows and obtain many friends, contacts, and mentors in the chin-world. I'd also like to be able to take in rescue chins if needed. I don't want to only be breeding, I want to be able to provide a safe place for unwanted chins so they're not being put-down or other horrible things.
I have a great job where if I do breed and the kits require hand-feeding, taking them with me isn't a problem...however I'm not sure toting them back and forth to work is a good option either. I can work from home occasionally, but it couldn't be an "all the time" thing.
Here are my main questions:
I'd like to find out from those who breed how/why they got started...
Do you also work outside the home or are you available to your chins all the time (if you did work full-time, do you still)?
What is the best advice for planning your breeding herd (male to female ratio, colors, etc)?
Like I said, I'm anal when it comes to organization, and I want to have as much info as possible and make informed decisions.
I'm interested in breeding, but not anytime soon (by that I mean a minimum of 2 years). What interests me about breeding? These beautiful animals and how individuals do their very best to produce the best quality, beautiful, and good tempered chins.
Why don't I want to do it now? I'm a bit of an anal perfectionist and want to have 5 figures saved in the bank, I want my human kids to be older and not as dependent on me, and I want PLENTY of time to have things ready, do more research, attend lots of shows and obtain many friends, contacts, and mentors in the chin-world. I'd also like to be able to take in rescue chins if needed. I don't want to only be breeding, I want to be able to provide a safe place for unwanted chins so they're not being put-down or other horrible things.
I have a great job where if I do breed and the kits require hand-feeding, taking them with me isn't a problem...however I'm not sure toting them back and forth to work is a good option either. I can work from home occasionally, but it couldn't be an "all the time" thing.
Here are my main questions:
I'd like to find out from those who breed how/why they got started...
Do you also work outside the home or are you available to your chins all the time (if you did work full-time, do you still)?
What is the best advice for planning your breeding herd (male to female ratio, colors, etc)?
Like I said, I'm anal when it comes to organization, and I want to have as much info as possible and make informed decisions.