As a few of you may remember, I got a new chin a few months ago Fella. He is a very active happy loving chin about 3 months now. I also have another chin Brinkley. They are in two seperate cages. Last night I came home from work to find my baby Fella very sick. He looked like he was coughing stuff up. there was green mucus in the cage on his ledge. Foam or spit coming from mouth and nose. He was fine when I left 8 hours earlier. I called my emergency vet right away and took Fella in. They gave me little advice and told me that this was either due to teeth (Malocclusion) or bloat. She gave me antibiotics and told me to go to a reg vet asap. So today around 3 Fella saw a reg vet and took x rays and said that he has a blockage between his esophagus and stomach that is preventing him from getting food or liquids into his stomach. they dont know that it is and they sedated him and tried to push it into his stomach with no success. My options now are to put the little guy through surgery which, as of now, may not benefit him so much as he is so young and already in a sensitive state plus will be megaaaaaaaa bucks. OR to wait a day and see if the blockage moves any or if his conditions worsen or get better. He was given fluids to keep him hydrated. Hasnt eaten anything. everything comes right back up because it has no where to go... Or we can put him down....He is at home now and seems very tired and breathing is shallow and there is a noise when he breaths. Vet said that this is because of the blockage. I am scared of losing my baby. Also, Brinkley was moved to a different room when i found fella and seems to be doing just fine. Keep us in prayers. Pray the blockage passes through stomach. Anyone here with a similar story? thank you.