Potty Trained Chins?

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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2010
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I've heard a few times about people mentioning their chins use a litter box? How would I go about introducing this to my chins? They both seem to urinate in a corner of their cages, so should I just put something there? And would they poop in their too, or just urinate? And what type of box and litter should I use?

I wont be crushed if it doesn't happen, it would just be a little convenient. So if anyone has any luck luck, please share :)
Mine all use litter boxes for pee, even in the playpens and play room. They just learned it themselves! Put a litter pan full of shavings in the spot where they pee and see what happens, just make sure you attach it to the cage so they can not knock it down.
Yes they will only urinate. Poop cannot be controlled by a litter pan. How I got mine to mostly use the litter pan was by setting it in the cage I noticed they pee'd most often. then simply put the litter pan which I use a glass pyrex square baking dish where they normally go. Take some shavings they have pee'd on and put them in the pan to get them started. Sometimes they will still occassionally go on the fleece, but mostly often it is all in the litter pan.
I put a pyrex dish in the corner of Chloe's cage. Sometimes she pees in there, sometimes she doesn't. I really wanted her to get the hang of it because it would be easier to clean her cage but it wasn't really a success, oh well. As far as them pooing in it, they don't really ever do that in one specific spot so you can't really litter train them in that aspect.
I have a pyrex dish with shavings in all my cages. All the chins but my one pair will use a litter box. The white pair want nothing to do with it and just throw shavings everywhere. So, that makes 8 out of 10 that will use it. Pretty good odds. :p
Yup. You can also use a metal dish. I just like pyrex because I can find a deeper dish that fits up snug against a corner. Plus with metal it was hard to find something without handles (the handles caused it not to butt up against the corner). I use this one:


In the beginning I always put some soiled shavings (basically just grab from the corner) in the litter box that way they know what it is for.
Our smart little Kiwi just went right to her litter dish on her first day here, the only time she pees anywhere else is if she pulls her hay out of her dish, then she'll pee in the hay. She will also pee on a Stuffie if we give her one.haha
If you put the hay rack/bag/whatever you use, over the litter box it will kill two birds with one stone. It doesn't make as much of a mess all over the cage, and if it goes in the litter box they are more than welcome to pee on it. :p
My chinnies r more or less litter trained; my girls r almost perfect, but a few boys r not. Can anyone suggest chinnie-safe boxes? What do u use and where can I get them?