Possibly aggressive?

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New member
Feb 19, 2013
Akron, OH
Okay, so maybe I'm paranoid. I've had my two male chins, Ashkii and Chesmu, for about a month now. They aren't litter mates but they were chosen by the breeder because they got along. They got along great but then lately they've been making clicking noises at each other. Both are trying to be dominate, but usually it's Chesmu (The younger white mosaic, he's 5 months. Ashkii is a standard grey and 6 months) that's the dominate one. Are the clicking noises aggressive? There aren't any fur slips or anything, but maybe I should separate them? Am I just being paranoid?
They thing is, they're only like this at night. I know that tomorrow morning they'll be cuddling and sleeping like always, the best of buds.
Are you sure it's clicking and not grinding? Grinding teeth for my chins is a sign of affection, and sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between the two.
Is grinding teeth usually loud though? I thought it was quieter. This was a louder noise, about the same loudness as a bark.
The clicking is an "I'm annoyed" sound. As long as it doesn't progress to fur slips and fighting it should be fine. Do they make it when they are eating either hay or pellets? You may want to keep 2 food bowls, hay piles, and water bottles if that seems to be an issue at all.
No, but at the time Ashkii was trying to sleep and Chesmu wanted to play and kept waking him up, so I guess I can't blame him for being annoyed. I would be too.
They are hitting puberty age so you'll be seeing some changes. If you feel that either of them are getting aggressive you can always trim their whiskers which helps reduce aggression short term.