Possible Leaks?

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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2012
I have a Super Pet glass water bottle that came with my two girls and I think it's starting to leak. It drips. Like if you just filled it up, and put in in the cage, a small droplet forms and when you move it, it drips. It does this constantly. Should I get a new one or try a different angle or what? I don't wanna have my new liners I'm gonna make be ruined from a simple leak.
There are a few tricks with those bottles, first make sure you fill it up to the very top, if there is a air bubble or empty space from the top it leaks because the vacuum didn't form in the bottle. Another thing I noticed was the gasket inside the top sometimes doesn't lay flat you need to push it down so no air bubbles form under it. Hopefully that makes sense.
The bottles and nozzles need to be very clean also. I use a baby bottle brush to get inside the nozzle cleaned really well. You can also try different angles too, I have one that sits straight up flat against the cage and one that is slightly angled out. Usually if I take the bottle off, fill it up and put it back and it leaks, I take it back off and take the cap off and gaskets out and clean the whole thing. Usually they don't leak after that.
I'll have to try filling it up the whole way.And it is kept clean.Thanks for all the advice/ideas!!:hmm::)
I just bought two Lixit flip-top water bottles for my chin. They don't leak, so that's good, but I'm not sure if he knows how to use them just yet, so the old Super Pet bottle is still in there. The water level keeps going down, but I haven't seem him use it, so I believe it's due to the leaking!