Possible GI Blockage?

  • Thread starter EnslavedByNinjas
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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well, I attempted to go on my first vacation since becoming a chin owner this weekend. When I got back I found that my roommate did a really bad job in taking care of my babies. :( They had little/no hay when I got home, and actually ate a days worth of hay in a few hours when I gave it to them the moment I got home and checked on them. So I'm running under the assumption that they had a very limited hay intake for the last 4 days. The other problem....

I noticed Turbo's ceramic food dish had a rather large chunk missing, from the inside, it almost looked like an impact break but it was on the inside of the lip of the container. I can't find any pieces. The roommate said he hadn't noticed the chunk missing.

Turbo is still eating and energetic, but he's acting kind of strange (which might just be due to the 4 days stuck in his cage). He's sleeping in the bottom of the cage and not in his usual spot in a tunnel. His poos are also reduced in size overall. Some still look good but some look quite small. Quantity and color/shape look good for the most part.

So the question is... ER vet?
Well I think if it were me, if he's still pooping (even a little smaller poops) I would not rush him to the ER vet. The poop could be smaller from not eating any hay for that period of time.
If he were to stop pooping completely or they look strained then I would take him to the vet.
Does he seem lethargic?

Just read that he's energetic..I wouldn't take him to the vet either, the lack of hay may just be causing his small poos.
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Cage cleaned out (found one piece of the bowl, about a quarter of the missing chunk), gas drops and acidophilus given, and I'm off to work. Will head home early and doublecheck, I can monitor his output closely now at least with a clean cage.

Thanks! :)
You can also put down white paper towels instead of bedding to keep a really close eye on his output. I always do that with any chin I suspect is ill, has had surgery, or anything like that.
When I got home from work I found some bittersweet news - both Nibbler and Turbo were pooping teensy tiny poops during the day. (Too small to be simply small daytime poops.) Good news was that led to everyone's conclusion of hay being the culprit.

I had to work last night as well, and when I got home from work they both are pooping fine! Hoooray! Both of them are bouncy, happy little chinnies, and both are healthy chinnies once again at that. :)
It is! They eat about a container of hay a day. Roommate said he gave them 'a pinch' when he could. When I got home they ate a container in 2 hours before slowing back down to their normal intake.

The roommate said he worked too much to take care of them for me, despite reassuring me that they were fine over the course of the weekend when I'd text and ask. He told me last night he found time to tan in the yard over the weekend. Ugh. He had 2 chins and a dog to watch over the weekend. The 2 chins ended up sick and the dog ran away. I had to call animal control yesterday because he hadn't even bothered to do that for JJ (the dog).
wow..........sucky petsitter!! so happy you guys your chins back to normal. i hope you can find someone more reliable next time you go away so you can at least enjoy yourself.
I have a month to figure it out, Brie might not be too happy if we can't go through with her birthday plans because my roommate is the most worthless petsitter ever. :D
i have used a petsitter many times for my dog but never for my chins.
maybe you can check in the yellow pages or someone here may have a recommendation.
they would only need to come once a day. the going rate per visit is anywhere from 10 - 25 dollars per visit.
last time i went away for the weekend i left my fiance' to watch over my boys.
i was so anal, i put each ones separate food in ziplocks with their name & when to give. i put hay in baggies for him to give. and any of their treats with specific instructiosn not to dump the whole bag (like one rosehip or one shredded wheat).
he still didnt completley follow the instructions but at least when i went away i knew i did everything i normally do!