possible ear infection?

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2009
ive noticed that over the past few days gizmo has been keeping his right ear close to his head...he has done it periodictly over his life but its gotten more frequent. ... I just looked at it and its a bit more pinkish red inside than the other ear and is a bit warmer than the other ear. Is this a sign of a possible infection or could it be warm and pink because he is keeping it close to his head? He seems to be normal otherwise- eating, drinking, pooping, active... I do not want to put him through the stress of the vet if not necessary.... Any ideas?
Ideas? Yes - Gizmo was enjoying a nice comfortable sleep with his ear tucked in against his head. ;)
He's displaying perfectly normal chinchilla behaviour. Some chins have a preferred ear to tuck in - perhaps Gizmo is right eared.

If he's sleeping with his ear tucked then it's going to be warmer than the other ear, inside and out, because it has been pressed against his warm, furry head.
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well its not always when hes sleeping...he'll be wide awake for hours and keep doing it..
That is still normal behaviour for many chins. If there are no other signs then I would stop worrying.