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I have had my first chinchilla, Tinker for about 6 months and Tainga for about 5 months. The two bonded right away. I did not have to keep them separate for even one day. I recently bought Talia, they all came from the same cage in the same pet shop. They were all in there together at one point so it saddens me that they don't get along. Talia is kept in a separate cage and i let them out at different times so they don't fight. Tinker isn't really a problem, she doesn'e fight with Talia thought Talia will start with her if she sees her after an altercation with Tainga. Tainga refuses to leave Talia alone! When Talia is in her cage and its Tainga's turn to play she spends her time sticking her nose in talia's cage and kacking at each other, then she'll run away and come back. If talia trys moving to a different part of the cage Tainga will follow. Why is she doing this? Before giving them separate play times they would fight, what made me end it was finding blood on Talia's ear. I figured Tainga hurt her but later i found Tainga's nose was actually the injury, barely noticable. So why is she still fighting with her? Hasn't she had enough? How long do you think it will take for them to get along, if they ever will? I just want all my babies to get along.:cry3: