Poor Leo...

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i would do a burrito wrap to keep Leo still as possible and use very small scissors to snip it off. cuticle scissors may work well? if you are at all nervous about using scissors, maybe a vet visit would be best for removal.

unwrapping it may work too but that little tube inside may give you trouble, and you want to ensure it doesn't slide against the wound when it comes off.
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I have looked up a few other vets in my area that are exotics and I am going to call them tomorrow morning and get their opinions. I may be switching vets if they totally disagree with this bandage treatment. If they disagree, then I will remove it tomorrow. He has had it on for a couple of days. They might have done it because they don't know if anything is broken.
I don't want to disrespect your opinions, but I want a couple other vet opinions before I go ahead and remove it.
With vetwrap, I just pull it up and in the opposite direction slightly. If you decide it's best to put it back on just put it back on, it'll re-stick for the most part. I actually never noticed vetwrap tightening when pulled. If worse comes to worse, to be honest, you can probably rebandage it yourself if you feel confident and get some gauze or telfa and/or all the bandage stuff you would need. It does look like they were bandaging for a broken bone.

Vets and staff in hospitals use bandage scissors and they have the guard on the end of them so we don't poke the patients while cutting their bandages off, but I usually end up just unwrapping the vetwrap and taking the gauze off for real small minor things like IV catheter sites so I don't have to go get the scissors. I would be wary of using regular scissors and I don't know if they could easily cut through the cardboard tube.

Hope you figure stuff out tomorrow when you talk to vets! If you aren't sure what to do--as long as your chin isn't eating the bandage, one more night isn't going to kill him in it even if it turns out to not be the best bandage option.
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-as long as your chin isn't eating the bandage, one more night isn't going to kill him in it even if it turns out to not be the best bandage option.
Extensive tissue necrosis, infection leading to sepsis, ischaemia ......... these can be potentially fatal so I am afraid I disagree with your statement.
I have known chins have bandaging done which led to all of the above (some non-fatal due to timely owner intervention but requiring amputation of the affected limb & intensive nursing care post-op).

The bottom line in this scenario is the OP does not have a diagnosis (is this bandage on for a wound or a fracture & if so, where are the X-rays for a start?) so has no idea whether the chin is being treated appropriately. The is also no telling what is happening under that bandage.
If the bandage has been applied to a swollen limb then it will need reviewing well before the 2 weeks, a wound will require frequent monitoring which cannot happen under bandaging, the tips of the toes cannot been seen or touched to check for warmth (infection, ischaemia, necrosis) etc etc - there are so many things "wrong" with just applying a splint/bandage to a chinchilla's limb & telling the owner it needs to stay on for 2 weeks is more than a little questionable.
I vet to the same place, but different vet. She is the exotic vet we used to see before the other one who wrapped his leg. They were the only ones who could see me today. The bandage is off. He is off baytril and on sulfatrim. She cleaned it up again and sent me home with vet wrap if he licks/bites it. She also gave him fluids.
That sounds more encouraging.
Can you take a photo of the foot at all?
How is the wound looking & is your chin managing to eat better now the bandage is off?
I am working 3-11 so I cannot take a photo unfortunately until later or tomorrow. He still does not eat critical care but takes the meds. He eats some hay. His paw looks better than it did, but still swollen. We are going to set up our old webcam and watch what he does. If my fiance can get it up and running with the laptop.
Update on Leo:

We went to the vet today. His paw is doing well.
The vet took X-rays of his abdomen and skull to look for any signs as to why he wasn't eating and he has gas. So we are going to get some gas drops today and use those. She gave him an injection of a motility drug. His teeth were fine, thankfully.
We are taking him off of the pain drug to see if his appetite comes back.
He is still on sulfatrim. The life line that I ordered came today, so we will also be giving him a bit of that too.

A lot in vet bills, but thankfully I have a job.

Poor guy has been through a lot, but he is hopefully going to do okay. :)