So, I come home from school today, and apparently Mika had a contest with herself...
To see how much poopy she could get all over her house!
This is AFTER I took out her paper-towel lining...
She must be a gymnast or something! WAT THE HECK! A WALL-PEWP!!!!
I can't WAIT for this weekend's wheel purchase... I want to get a flying saucer, but now I'm afraid that the "S" might REALLY hit the fan!!! :hilarious:
She really loves her TP toob, but if she's going to be running around blind letting it fly all over the place, I might take it away! Oh who am I kidding, I can't say no to that face!
To see how much poopy she could get all over her house!
This is AFTER I took out her paper-towel lining...
She must be a gymnast or something! WAT THE HECK! A WALL-PEWP!!!!
I can't WAIT for this weekend's wheel purchase... I want to get a flying saucer, but now I'm afraid that the "S" might REALLY hit the fan!!! :hilarious:
She really loves her TP toob, but if she's going to be running around blind letting it fly all over the place, I might take it away! Oh who am I kidding, I can't say no to that face!