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Sorry ... I forgot to post this with my other question ...

My boyfriends sister said that when they were cleaning out the cage (at 2:50 this morning when they were trying to leave for work) she thought she saw blood in his stool and asked if hedgies could get worms like cats, dogs, goat, etc. if so what do they get treated with? I'm scared to go anywhere near Ivemectrin (sp?) for a hedgie, but we use it for the horses as a wormer. OF course I wouldn't ever use anything on Kenji that I used on the horses that'd be stupid!
I think Revolution is the trusted choice for mite problems and such, but you would definitely want to see a vet first to rule out in more serious problems that could cause bloody stools.
Take a poop sample into the vet and have them do a float. Im not sure that bloody stool would be caused by internal parasites. If it were I would have no idea what they would treat it with. Maybe something minor and can be treated with antibiotics or something more serious.. Either way.. blood in the stool needs a trip to the vet. Good Luck
Bloody stool can be caused by several things and is always a reason to take your hedgehog to a vet. Some possible causes: Giardia, parasites, bacteria infections, cancer, etc. If it is an intestinal issue they are likely to prescribe metronidazole not ivermectin. Metronidazole is good for anaerobic bacteria and against several type of parasites.