Sorry ... I forgot to post this with my other question ...
My boyfriends sister said that when they were cleaning out the cage (at 2:50 this morning when they were trying to leave for work) she thought she saw blood in his stool and asked if hedgies could get worms like cats, dogs, goat, etc. if so what do they get treated with? I'm scared to go anywhere near Ivemectrin (sp?) for a hedgie, but we use it for the horses as a wormer. OF course I wouldn't ever use anything on Kenji that I used on the horses that'd be stupid!
My boyfriends sister said that when they were cleaning out the cage (at 2:50 this morning when they were trying to leave for work) she thought she saw blood in his stool and asked if hedgies could get worms like cats, dogs, goat, etc. if so what do they get treated with? I'm scared to go anywhere near Ivemectrin (sp?) for a hedgie, but we use it for the horses as a wormer. OF course I wouldn't ever use anything on Kenji that I used on the horses that'd be stupid!