poop sticking to fur?

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My chin keeps getting put stuck to his fur and he never makes any attempt to get it off, and he is still getting used to me so I can only get it sometimes. His cage is clean, and so is his bed and I cannot figure out how he keeps getting it stuck to himself. Is this a normal chin thing?
no I dont think its soft, at least it doesnt feel like it.

How hard should the poop be? I think it might be getting stuck on him when he runs on his wheel because I can sometimes hear it plinking around in there.

If you think his poop is too soft what should I do different? He has free access to hay at all times, he gets a scoop of pellets in the morning and maybe a treat during the day (which is usually a shredded wheat or maybe a raisin)
Every now and then I have a chin run up to the cage door to see me with a poop stuck to the head or face! It's okay. It happens sometimes, not because the droppings are soft or abnormal, it's just that it gets stuck in there. I pick them off the chin, no big deal. I think that some of them roll around on the surfaces of their cage and have the droppings adhere that way. OR, they have a cage mate that is up higher than them and the droppings fall and get lodged in the fur.

The wheel would definitely allow for him to have droppings continuously landing on his fur...that's probably all it is!
I didn't think about them rolling in their shavings or fleece. I was thinking about it in turns of the poop getting stuck to their bum. My bad!
yeah because they are always one his right side which is where his fur rests against the wheel.

I just wanted to make sure that the diet he is on, was ok and that the poop sticking to the fur wasnt a sign or something bad :wacko:
Oh yeah, it is never on his butt, its always only on his side and a few times right on the top of his head (which I cant help but laugh at when I pick it off)