Pookie, Pookie, Pookie.

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well it seems everytime I have pookie and squirt out for a run in the bathroom squirt will just love to come jump all over me. Pookie does too but after about half an hour she's done with her adventure and when i turn around she will hide behind her boxes or whatever is closest. And then I'll hold squirt and turn off the lights and she thinks I'm gone and will come out and run like a mad woman! Do any of your chins play "playtime hide and seek?"
Yeah my Rosey does. My chins have their own playroom with several long tunnels and big boxes (and their dustbath, a wheel and a gazillian chew toys heh), and sometimes if Im reading while Rosey's playing she'll go suddenly silent...
....until I notice and say (in a very silly drawn out baby voice *ahem*)

"Where's my Rosey-bud???"

And Rosey will come bounding out of where-ever she was hiding and then demand a treat :)

Jasmine and Poppy aren't quite so easily bribed by food though heheh. They make me seek them out!