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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2009
im in the proccess of clowly changeing over churros feed to mazuri from what the breeder gave me and i am giving him acidopholis and baby gas relief but he is barely drinking and kind of eating but eating his hay fine last night i discovered a bubble in his poo just one that i found and the end wasnt rounded waht dose this mean
Matt, he's getting dehydrated, and the bubble indicates gas in his belly.

If he's not eating and drinking well, he very well could have bloat. I would recommend taking him into a chin-knowledgeable vet. Bloat is painful, and he may need pain medication. Also, possibly Reglan and Propulsid to keep his gut moving.

Is he peeing?
i cant really tell if he is peeing but he was running around fine last night and i gave him some simethicone again today right now he is chewing on an apple stick and seems fine but he hasnt had much to drink is there anything i can do to avoid the vet or is that my only option
Does sound like bloat, and that means an emergency vet visit. Good luck!
Matt, he's dehydrated. Chins can't poo enough when they're dehydrated. He may need subcutaneous fluids.

Honestly, you don't want to get to the point where he won't eat hardly anything or drink. If you catch this in time, you can possibly avoid a large vet bill, avoid dealing with gut stasis, and having to handfeed or forcefeed him.
That's good news, Matt! Until then, you can massage his belly--in a gentle, circular motion from rib cage to anus. It can help the gas pass through.

Try to encourage him to drink; if you have an eye dropper or medicine dropper, you can give him a drop at a time. He likely needs subcu, but every little bit helps at this point.

You can place paper towels on the bottom of the cage, that way you will know for sure how much he is peeing--if at all, and be able to tell the vet.
turns out it was minor bloat was no big deal but it was worse yesterday it was cause by the change in diet and him not eating to much but she said he will be fine jsut do a cold switch and give him lots of hay and some mylicon if needed