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Christina Noraas

Sep 28, 2010
Mc Grath, Minnesota
So Rex had diarrhea, cut him off from treats put two extra water bottles in his cage and just regular pellets. NOW his poo is all crunchy, or atleast that's what it feels like. What do I do now?
If it were me I would have him on hay only and I would give a probiotic like Bene-Bac. If it isn't better in a day or two I'd go to the vet.
When a chin has diarrhea, you take away the pellets and feed hay, not take away the hay. The advice to give hay only and a probiotic is correct.
I'm wondering about the treats as well. This thread hasn't been updated and I hope this chin is doing ok.
I give them a banana chip or a raisin about once every two weeks, but then I found out that other people in the house hold were sneaking them more than that. I put two water bottles in the cage because I know diarrhea with any living creature can cause dehydration, and he does go through about one and half a day. I asked our vet about the bene-bac and he said that he had some, because I couldn't find any stores around us that carried it; he said to come by and pick it up when ever. Within a day or so of calling him, but when I checked his poo they were normal, my mom picked up the bene-bac already and I'm going it to him anyways just to be safe.
Stop with the banana chips and raisins. Even if you do give them once every two weeks or every day, they can still cause problems. They are far to high in sugar to be given as treats.

What size water bottles do you have? I have never heard of a chin going through a bottle and a half of water a day. That seems like a huge amount of water. Most of my chins are in pairs and they couldn't even go through a full bottle in 3 days.