Poo a bit Greenish moss kind of color and a bit soft

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You can call the vet and ask them directly, might want to have it checked if today is the only time the exotic is in until the 20th.
Hey guys, I finally went to the vet and she said that Kimchi is completely normal. The stool is normal, it's okay to be slightly soft as long as it's not slimey or anything. but yea the squishable poo is acceptable, like if you pick it up and put some force. if she has more hay in her diet it would be like that. and she did the fecal test and also negative for any disease (thank goodness). So yea that took a load off of my mind and now I know what to look for. yaaay
Okay, when my little guy had soft poo here's the checklist I used. First, empty the water bottle, clean it again & refill. Dust or bacteria could have gotten in the water & that could upset their system. Next, remove pellets & just give him tons of hay. This will keep the system going & have a lot of fiber. Also you could try giving a plain shredded wheat as well in replacement of pellets. I can not stress enough how short-term of a resolution this is for you. If it doesn't improve within 24-48hrs I would go to the vet. Finally, a lot of vets will let you drop off stool samples to be tested without having the animal seen. Good luck!
umm I all ready went to the vet. it was actually normal poo. she has more hay in her diet, that's why the poo is softer. We did the tests too and it's all cleared.

all resolved, please close the thread.