Not a family issue but...
I met a guy at work who for a long time, I had a big crush on him. I finally got a chance to go on a few dates with him, but he told me he just wanted to be friends. For well over a month, I was devastated. I hadn't felt so strongly about someone in a long time. But I tried to remain friends with him. We'd hang out, go to the beach, movies, etc. But I still had the feeling he was on the fence about dating me. And then it happened, he got annoying. I stopped having strong feelings for him. Which I am glad I am totally over him, but I am so over him, I don't even want to be friends that much. And for a very bizarre reason...
He doesn't have any pets. Never has. He loves my pets. Especially my dogs, and one of my cats. He texts me and asked me endless questions about them....stupid questions. "Where is Lace right now?" "What is Myan doing?"....This is where I started to stop liking him. Because it was all about my pets...not to sound egotistical, but not about me. Like he only was wanting to see or talk about my pets. Which I love to talk about my pets, I will do for hours, but his way was so much different. "Do you think Willow would like a biscuit now?" comes on my phone while I am watching tv at 10PM. WTF? "Do you think Myan would want to watch that movie?" or "How about Homeward Bound 3 with Myan, Willow and Lace?"
He ignores the fact I have other pets too. I have another cat, Satin, but I guess he doesn't like her as much. Just any conversation I have tried to have with him, he brings it right back to those three animals. He goes to Petsmart, remember, he has no pets, and texts me he found a really pretty collar for Lace, "Do you think she would like pink?".
I thought he didn't want me either till the other night when he asked what I was doing and I said I got invited to a party by my friend, Mike. And he was very taken aback by it all. He kept texting me all day trying to get me to meet him...at the grocery store, at the chinese restaurant, trying to get me to not go. Another Mike I know, we dated once several years ago and now he has got back in touch with me and wants to go out. So I can only imagine when I say, "I'm going out with Mike tonight."
I don't want to be mean to him. He doesn't have many friends. I am the only one who talks to him at work. But this whole friendships is beyond bizarre.
Especially the pet thing...
Its all so bizarre, slightly creepy, and ever so annoying.
And advice is welcome, but its more a rant. There is so much more, but I don't want to make my fingertips bleed.
I met a guy at work who for a long time, I had a big crush on him. I finally got a chance to go on a few dates with him, but he told me he just wanted to be friends. For well over a month, I was devastated. I hadn't felt so strongly about someone in a long time. But I tried to remain friends with him. We'd hang out, go to the beach, movies, etc. But I still had the feeling he was on the fence about dating me. And then it happened, he got annoying. I stopped having strong feelings for him. Which I am glad I am totally over him, but I am so over him, I don't even want to be friends that much. And for a very bizarre reason...
He doesn't have any pets. Never has. He loves my pets. Especially my dogs, and one of my cats. He texts me and asked me endless questions about them....stupid questions. "Where is Lace right now?" "What is Myan doing?"....This is where I started to stop liking him. Because it was all about my pets...not to sound egotistical, but not about me. Like he only was wanting to see or talk about my pets. Which I love to talk about my pets, I will do for hours, but his way was so much different. "Do you think Willow would like a biscuit now?" comes on my phone while I am watching tv at 10PM. WTF? "Do you think Myan would want to watch that movie?" or "How about Homeward Bound 3 with Myan, Willow and Lace?"
He ignores the fact I have other pets too. I have another cat, Satin, but I guess he doesn't like her as much. Just any conversation I have tried to have with him, he brings it right back to those three animals. He goes to Petsmart, remember, he has no pets, and texts me he found a really pretty collar for Lace, "Do you think she would like pink?".
I thought he didn't want me either till the other night when he asked what I was doing and I said I got invited to a party by my friend, Mike. And he was very taken aback by it all. He kept texting me all day trying to get me to meet him...at the grocery store, at the chinese restaurant, trying to get me to not go. Another Mike I know, we dated once several years ago and now he has got back in touch with me and wants to go out. So I can only imagine when I say, "I'm going out with Mike tonight."
I don't want to be mean to him. He doesn't have many friends. I am the only one who talks to him at work. But this whole friendships is beyond bizarre.
Especially the pet thing...
Its all so bizarre, slightly creepy, and ever so annoying.
And advice is welcome, but its more a rant. There is so much more, but I don't want to make my fingertips bleed.