please help!

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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2012
Lexington KY
Okay another panic attack! One of my chins got a hold of his treat bag, the little tiny plastic zip baggies ans chewed the corner of it!!!! I know I need to watch his poos but would a little plastic be enough to hurt him or cause an impaction?? I swear these guys get into everything!!!! Please help!:hair:
I guess it would depend on how much he ate. Just keep an eye on his eating, drinking and pooping for a couple of days. If anything changes, or he suddenly seems to be in pain (like hunched posture, or unusual lethargy), then that would be the time to go to the vets.

If it was just a tiny piece of plastic then he'll probably be fine, but keep an eye on him just in case.
Since its soft plastic it should pass with no problems, its the hard plastic stuff that causes issues.