Please help tofu is bleeding.

  • Thread starter burritothechinchilla
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i dont know what to do. all i can see is that her toe looks like its smaller and that its bleeding. i just put her cage next to the other chins today so it might have been them, or it was caught in mesh. bu i dont know i have her wrapped up in a towel now. how do i care for this. i have no blukote or anything. lookslike toenail is gone.

sorry for horribly grammar, i am rushing
Calm down, it happens. Try using some corn starch to stop the bleeding. Check to see if there are any exposed bones. Once the bleeding stops, put some type of antibiotic topical on it. Blu kote is always great to use if you can get it soon.
Ok, thank you. She has stopped bleeding and I have moved her cage next to my desk so I can watch her.
Chins toes get bit all th etime between bars I have several here missing fingers from between cage squabbles. Just keep an eye on it she should be fine. They do bleed a lot and it can be scary if you have never seen it before
I wouldn't even bother cleaning it. Toe bites are best left alone like Kristy was saying. They can't bleed out through their toes...they have to lose a LOT of blood to bleed'd be surprised if you actually saw the amount needed. I've had many a chinnie toe bitten off over the years and they always heal just fine with no treatment.
Trust me, there was lots of blood! It freaked me out. Now I am just worried that she will chew it again. She has done it twice and it started to bleed a lot again. But for the moment, she's fine. :)) I will just keep one eye on her as I sleep tonight.

I like to prevent, since bag balm is an antibiotique it can only help in avoiding infection (if ever) and gives a head start on the healing. So put it on once and that's it... I use it for small injuries like that.

If you are asking why not polysporin, well I have had different opinions on it as being safe or not for chins. So I just play it safe with bag balm.
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Brandon - is the bone exposed?

I like to prevent, since bag balm is an antibiotique it can only help in avoiding infection (if ever) and gives a head start on the healing. So put it on once and that's it... I use it for small injuries like that.

If you are asking why not polysporin, well I have had different opinions on it as being safe or not for chins. So I just play it safe with bag balm.

I'm looking at the Bag Balm website and don't see anything regarding it being an antibiotic ointment. Can you clarify?
If the bone is exposed I would get veterinary care to snip it. Having the bone exposed can lead to a nasty infection. Otherwise, I would just dip the toe in blu-kote and leave it be.

Bag Balm does not contain an antibiotic but rather 8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate, which is an antiseptic.
I just took a look and there is no bone exposed. It did reopen though when I was at school today, but it closed up by itself. She is just walking around like q tripod now. :p
I was asking about polysporin. In my opinion polysporin is fine to use as long as it doesn't have pain killer in it.

thanks for you input :)
Can you elaborate as to why it is as long as their is no pain killer in it so that I have a better understand of this product?

Although Bag Balm is alot cheaper than Polysporin. Here it is 11$ for a 10 once container and the Polysporin is approx. 7$ for a 4-6gr.
Just a little update, Tofu is doing fine. She seems to be using the hand more and it has scabbed over. Thanks for everyones help! :))
thanks for you input :)
Can you elaborate as to why it is as long as their is no pain killer in it so that I have a better understand of this product?

Although Bag Balm is alot cheaper than Polysporin. Here it is 11$ for a 10 once container and the Polysporin is approx. 7$ for a 4-6gr.

Polysporin is an anti-bacterial product. It can be used after a wound has been cleaned. It helps prevent and/or cure infection. I have used it on areas chins can lick with no problem. I prefer to use Blu-Kote but will use polysporin when I can't.

Glad to hear he is doing better.