We have 2 beautiful males abour 2 years old. Just recently got a dog and things are not working out. They come with a 3 story condo and lots of toys and food. We live in central Ct. Any advice ????
I have 2 dogs, 3 cats and chins. You can do what I do, I have a room set aside for my chins, they have a room to themselves with a locked door. No other pets are allowed in there, they also get playtime in there so there is no chance for anyone to get hurt. If I were you I'd move the cage right away! Put it in a spare room, then if you don't have a locking door a quick fix is to get a baby gate to keep the dog from getting back there.
either keep the chins in a separate room that the dog is not allowed to go into, or get a pet gate to keep the dog from being able to get close to the chin cage. I have a house full of animals, and with time, they are all able to coexist with eachother.
My own pet chins are in their own room. For the rescues they are in my office area and I've put the midwest playpen blocking off an area so neither my cat or dog can bother them.
I have 3 dogs and 3 cats and they all coexist in the house with no problems. But this took time and training on my part to make that happen. All the above advice is great and maybe if you give it time, things will change and the dynamic will be more harmonius.
We have a dog and 2 stay in cats and 2 out and in cats they all can get along in the house and generally ignore each other. I have more of an issue with my dog and one of my cats than I do with any of them bugging the chins.
My boys have their own room, thus keeping the carnivores away from the prey. If you have issues I'd put them in a different room, keep the dogs out and start training the dogs on an ignore command. It worked for me. Sadie goes into the chin room and just ignores them now. It took a few times, but she got the hint...she still eats the chin poo though...:hmm: