Playtime pics!

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Jan 28, 2009
Mount Carmel, PA
So! I let the furballs out to enjoy their new toy tonight and got a TON of pics. So, I'll be nice and just include the link. But here are a few snapshots that are my faves!

Noon figured out it had a "top"

Noon doing it wrong...

Cuda waiting his turn...

Adorable little Bella!

And the rest
where did you get the cardboard house they are playing in? thats cool
I agree that cardboard castle is kinda cool... He looks like he is airing out his parts!
Omg, Ash, LOL! Reading the captions with the photos was cracking me up! I didn't even see Cuda at first...tell him to keep his man jibbles hidden!!!:laughitup:
I got the castle at a local pet store, but they have a website. go to small animals and it's under cages and accessories. It was only 12.99+tax. And yeah, Cuda is a bit of a perve...
LOL Ash, you talk about my chinnie porn pics, Cuda is spread eagle! :hilarious:
I was so proud of Noon in the first and second pic, she wasn't doing it wrong, she was doing it HER WAY, lol!!!! Thanks for the pics!!!! ;)
Oh my lord! Cuda just kills me! The girlies look like baby princesses in their castle!
Sandi she was so doin it wrong. She looks evil in that pic, too, I think! And I'd love to get a video of Cuda getting up there, but the lighting in my room leaves something to be desire.
I love the picture of Cuda! It always cracks me up when I see him like that lol.
Cute play time pics, but I think Cuda stole the spotlight this time ;)
Don't tell them this. But Cuda and Bella are my favorites. I can't wait to put them together in a few months... If Bells shows pretty of course! Which I don't see why she wouldn't. Despite my horrific picture taking, she's a gorgeous Shoots baby.