Playtime pics

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I took a few pics last night during playtime, so I thought I'd share ;) I mean, there can never be too many chinnie pics LOL.

Little Frack just being cute

Frick says "Peek-a-boo"

Cheeko says "ok I'll pose just for a minute Mom, then you have to leave me alone"

Gideon in ACTION

More to come...
Here's handsome little Remi


Gideon has SUCH a personality

Frack is a real sweetheart

Cheeko...."ok Mom, just one more pic"
Great pics! Frick and Frack just look so adorably innocent!
Gideon in action shot = FAVORITE!
He looks like a track star. All of your chins are absolutely gorgeous! Now, all you need is the exclusive Aiko pin up poster for their cage (LOL! J/k)
Another shot of Gideon on the wheel...


I tell ya he is so funny!! I don't think he can see very well looking at things straight ahead (duh, his eyes are on the sides of his head LOL) so when you talk to him he cocks his head sideways like a's hilarious!! He's such an animated little guy. He's also a bit of a bully...all of my other boys have sporatic patterns of missing hair on their butts where Gideon will sneak up behind them and snatch some fur, then run :rofl:
If I position Fracks pic just right it looks 3D, like his paws are on the bottom of my computer screen frame.
Have you checked Gideons pedigree? I think he's part cheetah!
You have some very handsome chinnies! I think Frack is my favorite...he looks so little and sweet!

Frack is a little lover! He's such a gentleman too. When I go around giving out treats he waits very patiently for his and takes it ever so gently...all the others just snatch the treat out of my hand LOL.

He's not crazy about being held, but when I do hold him he always hides his face on my shoulder under my hair and if my hair is pulled up, he tries to hide in my arm pit ROTFLOL.
Look at all those little personalities, what a handsome group.
Go Gideon Go! lol!

Awsome pics! They all are so cute!