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Dec 6, 2011
Just bought a playpen for my little guy and want to outfit it with other toys besides sticks and cardboard boxes. Any ideas of products that people use to entertain their chins while in their playpens or play-areas?:)
the problem is my chin doesn't like cardboard. I've tried to put cardboard boxes, toilet paper rolls and he just isn't interested in it. I tried to rip it in half to see if he will tear it up but he may jump on top of a box but will not try to chew at it.
My boys favorite play thing in the playpen is me! I love sitting in there with them. They don't touch anything I put in there with them, they just like to jump and wall surf!
My boys all share a wheel that they only have access to in the playpen, so that is a great source of entertainment for them. We also have the large ware tube/chube for them to tear up, a paper bag with hay for snacking, and a rainbow fiddlesticks tunnel. :thumbsup:
You could turn a few cardboard boxes into steps and cover them with fleece. You could also create a shape like this with the boxes:


Then they can hide under the middle one. My guys like knocking the top box off too.
I have a dust bath in the playpen, and some wooden things. I have a wooden tube, some shelves (actually attached to the side of the playpen), a wheel, a sort of hideaway made of chin-safe sticks, a hammock, and some wooden playthings. My playpen used to look like this before the wooden playthings:


Now, we have these in there as well:



Need to take a new pic of the playpen with those in there. Now that those are in there, we no longer have those igloos in there, but we do still have the PVC pipe (which they don't chew).
Thanks for the advice.. Those little trucks are pretty cool. Im going to have to get one of those
Our chins love them. I've thought of making more for personal use, for our cages, but I'd have to completely redecorate the cages to fit them in lol. But the chins would love them.
@greychins -that's the coolest playpen EVER! You just gave me some really great ideas to accessorize my playpen :)

One question, though, how do you keep them from just jumping over? I can see my girl jumping over that without much problem, specially with the shelves.
Love the playpen, but how do you keep them from jumping out? Even though we play in the hall (with the bedroom doors shut and the end blocked off, Choncho still tries to jump out.
I play in the hallway with my girls too. For the open areas I use the command 3M non damaging hanging strips on each side of the wall (one is on the frame the other I put on my lightswitch plate). Then I use small binder clips and hook a sheet on each end. I have it up high enough that my girl stopped trying to jump out; she would just jump and slide down.