play time?

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We finally got our big cage put together but for the few weeks previously of recieving it our chins had been hanging out in a smaller cage. Now that they have a big cage and all the space they want they dont seem to want to come out to play. One will come out fine, she is almost to the point of letting us pick her up and handle her and such, but the other wont even let us pet her. I know it may take a while for them to warm up to us but I really didnt know what else to do. I cant get them out to have play time. Luckily they have a wheel in the cage so that is good, but I just wonder if they are becoming antisocial or something with having no play time.
It definitely takes time. Just keep at it. Even if it's just sitting on the floor and keeping your arm in their cage for them to jump around on. Don't try to grab them or pick them up at first. Just let them smell you, know you're there, and climb around on you. Then slowly work your way into touching them and petting them over time. They will come around.
So for now its ok they wont come out to play as long as I keep talking to them everyday?
They're most likely just getting used to their new surroundings, and may not be fully comfortable leaving their cage yet. As long as you take things slow, and give them the option of coming out (let them sniff your hands in the cage, talk to them etc.), I don't think you'll have a problem. They'll come around eventually, it just takes time. If you do things on their terms, your bond with them will be stronger in the future. It's all about building trust.
It sounds as though they're really enjoying all the space in their new cage and that's what's keeping them occupied at the moment. The same thing happened to me when I moved my boys from a smaller cage to a much larger one but the novelty wore off in about a week or even less and they were wanting back out again.

I have five boys and they all are different about how long they like to stay out. Feeney, my most standoffish boy (he's still sick but seems better btw) is always the first to go back in his cage, then my big butt Max is always the second, once Pip discovers Feeney is in, then he wants back in. Oscar and Zeke would stay out all night if I let them.