Pink whites born yesterday!

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Bad Chin
Jan 29, 2009
Central Nebraska
Had a two-for born yesterday!

This mom always had one kit, so I was surprised to see two! Along with that she's always had pink whites with this male except one beige female!

So without further ado...


And for good measure here is mom, she is an awesome brick house of a light beige bred by Ms. Cathy Kane! She is one of my very favorite animals from Cathy and that says a lot about her because they're all great! Please meet Solace!


Although they do produce great kits, I'm debating on moving her with a different male, her pairing with male isn't giving the size I'd like, but everything else is there, so I'm not sure on that.

And just because here is her very first kit ( different dad ) who is a HUGE massive thing, bigger than her mom! This is Hope, next to her is a hugantic Shoots male.

Very cute! I think pink whites and mosaics are the cutest kits, their little faces are priceless.
Very nice work Riven. Your girl Solace and her daughter are beauties indeed. And the pink white kits are, for lack of a better word.........simply fine animals born to your herd. I'd be curious to know the birth weight of the kits. They are solid little chunks.
I'll be picking up the offspring of some of Cathy's work come next spring after the York show. Both of you have done some really great works in the show arena. I'm so excited to have the girl kit join my herd. It's like having Christmas right now and not getting my gift for another 5 months. I am going to place the kit with one of my 1st place standard males. He weighs 862 grams. He is such a tank. And one of the sweetest guys to be blessed with. He's so silly and has no idea he's a chinchilla. His attitude at home here at the fur ball ranch is one that is simply bubbly. He walks into your hands. He likes to be kissed between the ears and he loves to have his entire back scratched like a dog!! He's just a goober. :hilarious:
I have not put out my ranch brand. But you can add it as Norwood Chinchillas if you like. It is MCBA documented. I've taken nearly 6 years to educate myself through chinchilla husbandry and attending shows. I'm pretty pleased that I will have three pairs. I just placed my standard and sapphire together. My standard male and mosaic are having to wait on the new brides comming after York. Looking forward to a small managed breeding program and showing the offspring.
Good luck with the pink whites and little Miss Hope.
Alex (Alexandra) in Richmond