Pink Eye and Chins

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Ok, my stepdaughter is coming up tonight. Problem is that she has pink eye... UGH! Anyway, I do not want to risk my chins getting pink eye. But does anyone know if they (the chins) can get it? I don't know much about pink eye and spreading it to animals. So, I am worried about it. Plus I have two dogs. So, I wondered if pink eye can be spread to animals... I am planning on covering her eye with gauze pads, and I won't let her touch the chins, but can she still be in the same room as them or should I not let her?
I do believe chins can get pink eye, which is conjunctivitis. There are different types, viral, bacterial etc. But to be safe I would not let her handle the chins.

I've had it in the past, and did not transmit it to any of my friends, but just make sure she's not touching her face/eye and then touching things the chins would touch.
I agree with Alli. Animals can contract conjunctivitis, but it's usually from animal to animal contact, but that certainly doesn't mean animals can't get it from animal to human contact.

I would just make sure she washes her hands and doesn't rub her eyes as she could spread it to her other eye, and probably keep her away from the chins and the dog as well. They probably wouldn't contract it from her, but to be on the absolute safe side, I would keep her away.

Make sure while she's there that you wash your hands also and keep them away from your face. You probably don't want to get it either.
Bethany, if the room you have your chins in something like a bedroom, that you can close off? If that is so I would just make that area off limits for her.
I would just keep them seperate because I have had a chin with basically pink eye!
So i would for safe measures keep you stepdaughter away from them this time!